Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Well, it's September. It snuck up on me! I have to be honest (you should be used to this by now) I groaned this morning when I realized ANOTHER month has ticked by. This is not what September was "supposed to look like." As if! I should stop deciding what things should look like or how they are supposed to go...you would think I would know this by now.
I feel like this month is going to make me or break me. Something has got to change. I am searching for jobs like never before, but you may have noticed...the economy sucks. I'm workin' on it though.
I'm seeking God and trusting that 'all these things will be added'. I have no clue what that looks like though...thus, the seeking God part. I often wonder, am I missing something? I don't have the answer to that question either. My mind is so full. I try to avoid distractions so I can concentrate on seeking God and trying to work out the things going on in my mind and my heart. I don't listen to music in the car or on walks anymore and I only watch maybe a couple of hours of TV a week. That's lots of praying and thinking time....but I've still got nothin'! I appreciate your prayers as well.
And so continues the anthem of my life...I just don't know.

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