Monday, September 21, 2009

Lip gloss, music and other ramblings.

I don't wear lip gloss recently. Especially the pink kind. You know why? Shiny, pink lips say, "I'm cute, I'm fun, I'm happy and approachable. Talk to me, I probably have something sweet to say." Nope...I don't want that. Chapstick is good enough. For some reason though, yesterday I decided to put lip gloss on for church. Bad idea. I arrived exactly as planned (10 minutes late) and when looking for a back, outside spot, an usher came to help me. The guy totally called me on wanting to sit in the back! Then he kept talking to me about "plugging in" and put me on the inside of an older, larger couple-I assume in hopes that I wouldn't leave. Ugh. It was totally the lip gloss.
I also haven't been listening to music recently. Music was simply cluttering up the space and not allowing me to think properly (does that make me sound crazy?). So I quit listening to music. I cleaned my apartment in silence, got ready for the day in silence, walked and worked out in silence and drove in silence. It was pretty nice, actually. No distractions. Now I've started listening to music again, but only Jesus music. I have a new anthem to my life and I listen to a LOT. Maybe you'll be blessed by it too, I'm trying to post it.
I sent a fax to the embassy in Accra. Well, I think I did, I tried to anyway and I got a confirmation. Did I mention the consulate e-mail address doesn't work? Yep, one more thing to stand in my way. So we'll see if it yields any results.
I've had a few people say things along the lines of, "Christ is going to return, these troubles are only momentary....blah, blah, blah." As if I shouldn't think this is a big deal. You know, that is true, Christ is going to return. But if it were all about Christ returning and the things we go through on earth were of no use, then why don't we go straight to heaven when we are saved? Besides that people aren't married in heaven, but God has given us marriage on earth. God is purposeful, so I'm thinking marriage is somehow to our good and His glory-not just a cute thing He thought up. I could be wrong though. The other thing is, Jesus suffered here on earth. He suffered a lot actually, in many different ways. He, of all people truly knew how momentary that suffering was, but it was still hard. I am well aware that in light of eternity, these years of emotional and spiritual hardship will be nothing. But for now, which is where God has placed me, they are kind of huge. With all that said, I am trying to keep the long term view in mind. It's not easy.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

haha, i love your lip gloss theory. i gave up listening to music in the car one year for lent. it was very, very tough... i don't think i made it to the end of lent.
it astounds me the kind of stuff people say to you. seriously? not that i haven't said my share of insensitive things... but come on.