Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Friday!

Friday is not quite the same when you don't work 45 hours, but there is still something fun about it.
Still no interview news. However, I still don't think they are done scheduling, it's been taking more than a week and Monday was a holiday. No tears yet...there is still hope.
In the hope department, I was checking flights today and found out some cool info. Continental has a way cheaper flight from Ghana to Texas with way better layovers than the Delta or BA flights. [See, I'm HOPING! George WILL come and I need to find a good flight!] The connection is in Frankfurt, so I was worried about getting a transit visa, blah, blah, blah. But, much to my surprise and delight, Germany doesn't require George to have one since he'll have a resident visa for the US. How cool is that? Yay Germany!
That's all. Happy Friday!

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