Thursday, August 27, 2009

Now what?

Today I was hopeful. You would think I had given up on the whole hope thing...I probably should have. My boss has had several interviews with several companies. We were all hopeful that he would have some sort of news and that today, things would be better. We were all wrong. Basically what he's been offered is not fabulous, so they can't truly afford me. My girl boss was pretty sad about this and really wants to keep me. She's going to crunch some numbers tonight and let me know how dismal things really are.
So I'm back to weighing my options, just when I thought I could stick it out-another curve ball. Yuck. So far as I can tell from our preliminary conversation, if I were to stay with this family I would only be making ends meet-no wiggle room. That's not going to work for me.
I hate this.