Thursday, November 12, 2009


I just got of the phone with George and the medicals are finished! I'm so excited! That's one step closer!
George is such a trooper. He went to THREE different clinics today and got LOTS of injections...have I mentioned he HATES injections? Poor guy. He will need to go back in two weeks to get the results so he can take them to the interview. Everything went very smoothly. We are so excited! George told me he thought he would be nervous, but he hasn't been at all-thanks for your prayers!
The packet I sent still hasn't made it. We're hoping it gets there soon. It has a tracking number, but USPS stopped tracking it once it left the country...gee, thanks!
I got a call from John Carter's office today. I had sent a letter asking for help the day before we found out about the interview. The woman who talked to me told me not to get too excited though, because it wasn't over (I know, but talk about buzz kill!). The lady was ancient, and nice, and very talkative, and ancient, and didn't really know more than I do, and pronounce Ghana "geee-AH-nuh", and she was really old. She told me about what another constituent is going through (which didn't really seem similar to our case at all, but I listened anyway) and warned me about trouble we may/will have (buuuuzzzzzzz kill!). I seemed to know more than she did, but it was nice to finally have someone care. She did say that George would probably have 3-5 minutes to basically sell our relationship and proof that I have continued to go to Ghana would be key. I copied the stamp pages of my passport as well as the page with an extended Ghana visa- I hope that's enough. I was pumped and confident about the interview and our I'm wondering if I need more, I'm kind of second guessing all that I've put together.
Even though I'm still a little worried, my faith is being renewed and I believe God will guide us through this. It's kind of like in a video game, when your player gets beat up. The player starts to fade as their "life" is getting used up-you know, when the bad guy is shooting at you or punching you. Then, when the player stops getting beat up, the life slowly comes backs. Yep, it's like that, my life/faith is coming back (I'm not a geek, I just have 4 brothers and spend lots of time with little boys).


The pale observer said...

Well it's looking positive! Glad to hear things are moving on smoothly :)

Cécile said...

I would think this blog would be all the proof you would need, but perhaps a blog isnt' considered the right format. You alluded to George's getting out of his national Service. I was wondering about that. can you elaborate? That's not a mandatory thing?

Best of luck to both of you!


Sister Beta said...

Thanks ladies!

Cecile- I would love for the blog to be enough proof, but you pegged it, the format isn't right. I don't think the interviewer will look it up online and if I printed the whole thing, there's no real way to prove those dates...
I'm just hoping and praying that everything I sent makes it there and is enough (my hair and weight has changed so much over the last 4years, it looks like we've been together for 12 years!)

As for the National Service-it is not mandatory per se, but if you don't do it, it is nearly impossible to get a job in Ghana. All recent graduates are "requested" to complete their NS and at the end, they get a certificate. Most Ghanaian companies require their employees to have this certificate. The cert. doesn't really help in any other country. Our main concern was if we returned to Ghana one day to work, would G be able to get a job? We've decided to just cross that bridge when we get there!