Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful, right?

I tried to write this post earlier, but it wasn't quite coming out right. The reason? The story wasn't over...
This morning I really had to muster up my thankfulness because of this tire situation. To be quite frank, tires were/are simply not in my budget right now. However, a dangerous blowout was not in the budget or life plan new tires were a better option! I was trying not to fret over this and was reminding myself about all of the goodness going on right now-trying to make this expense not quite a big deal. It only sort of worked...I braced for impact and prayed that God would make a way.
I waited for the rain to subside this morning, but it didn't. After postponing the inevitable long enough, I arrived at the packed tire store around 9. The salesman explained to me that if I did have a gash in the tire it would be replaced free of charge, IF the tire had been purchased from them. I breathed a sigh of relief-I had faithfully purchased ALL of my tires from this very my mind my bill had just been cut in half (YESSSSSS!!!). I waited for 40 minutes for the salesman to come tell me that I did indeed have a gash in my tire, but that my tires were not from his store (that is a lie, but I had no proof). I had him search every phone number that could be tied to my car, but to no avail. I had to pay for BOTH tires. The total, $253.77. Not. Fun.
They finished my car about 20 minutes later and I left, in the driving rain, to seek comfort (and help tracking down tire purchase proof) from my mommy.
The day continued and I relaxed a little about the money, safety truly is more important.
It finally stopped raining so my mom and I went to run some errands. As we were walking out of a store, I stopped and made a comment about my new know, to make me feel better. "Look at these new tires with all the little rubber belly buttons on them. Yep! Nice, new tires!" Wait, only one of the "new" tires had the little rubber belly buttons. In fact, the other tire was cracked and looked like the tread might just come off. I did not have new tires, I had new tire.
WHAT?!? I just paid $253.77 for ONE TIRE?!?!? I was mad, I was really mad. Luckily, I had the manager's card in my purse. I called him immediately, as I drove to my mom's house to get the receipt. I informed him that I paid for two tires and only got one, and that I would be there in 20 minutes-he better be ready.
20 minutes later, I arrived with my mom and towering younger brother, my posse, if you will. I parked my car in a fire zone, because I meant business! I marched in (fortunately for me, I happened to have high heels on-the purposeful click-clack on the tile made it's own statement) and firmly placed my keys and receipt on the counter. "Refund these items, please." I said, pointing to the warranty and lifetime rotation fees. "I no longer need them, I will NOT be coming back." And then, I stood there. No was not an option. And do you know what he did? This manager put someone on my car immediately, apologized for the problem, taking full responsibility, and then.....THEN, he refunded all $253.77. I got my two new tires for free. He asked me to reconsider coming back to his shop. I have, and I will.
Today I am thankful for free tires, safety, and parents who taught me stand up for myself in a firm and courteous way.

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