Tuesday, November 3, 2009


My head is spinning! I'm not gonna lie, I really wasn't sure an interview would ever come. Now that it has, there is a LOT to do!
My lists keep growing and I'm constantly afraid that I've forgotten something very important. In addition to new and wonderful things to stress about, I decided to finally start living like a human being. I have actually quit living on Diet Dr. Pepper and chocolate. The result? Headaches! Like you care, but I said it anyway.
The wedding is being planned! I'm excited about that, but nervous all at the same time. Immigration is still my biggest priority and we really have no true guarantee until George is actually in the US. Maybe a more patient person would continue to wait and plan a wedding after the groom was actually in the country. That's not how we're doing it! A bit of a gamble? Eh, slightly. I think everything will be fine though.
To ensure that everything will be fine, I am working fast and furious to "prove" our relationship. Meaning the consulate is going to need as much tangible proof that we are legit and not together for a visa. As if! It makes me kind of mad that they would assume that, but I understand at the same time. Here's the deal though, if you aren't in a relationship in order to prove it to someone, then you haven't adequately prepared to prove it. I'm trying to track down phone records, but Time Warner, AT&T, Skype and Yahoo! Messenger don't keep records from 2006. In fact, they only keep records for a year or LESS! Once I've collected as much "proof" as possible, as well as travelling tips and info for George, I need to express mail them. That means, I get to go spend more money at the post office than I ever have (at once, but maybe even put together)! Boy do I love "firsts" like that! So I'm trying to work with what we have and praying that it's enough. That's pretty much the extent of what I can do. George has to get the medicals and he is the one who has to interview. I wish I could do that part for him. I should have come to grips by now with the fact that there is only so much I can do! It's just not up to us.
With all that said, this is a different kind of anxious than before. It's excited anxious. It's anticipation for great things! It's looking toward the future with HOPE, real hope...not the kind I trick myself into having. It's the real deal!
I really can't tell you how happy I am to have this news. Even with all the things to do, I am still just ecstatic! I know it's not over yet, but we can finally see the finish line (please don't move, finish line!). Thanks to all of you who e-mailed me, commented, called me and texted me with congrats. I feel very loved and supported.


Kristen said...

wow is right! i am so excited for you guys!

posekyere said...

Give them the link to your blog. That is enough proof of your relationship and love.