Saturday, November 7, 2009

My dear phone.

I got a new cell phone about the time we began this visa process- it's been through a lot. It has sustained me this past year and a half and done everything I needed it to do. It has been THE connection to George, it has never been too far away. It has been the deliverer of all of my bad news and most of my good news. It has connected me to people who care about me and agencies that scare me. It has been my exercise buddy, my alarm, my secretary and my distraction. It has been around the world and back. It has called the National Visa Center THOUSANDS of times, and as a result, been thrown several times. Sorry, phone.
My phone has finally quit on me. My sweet, battered, ghetto phone, finally gave up.
This was an issue. Immigration is not over. I still REALLY need a reliable phone! So I went to my trusty AT&T store- dressed cute and with a smile on my face (hoping sexism would work in my favor-so wrong, but so true). There was a problem. AT&T would not give me an upgrade, no matter how nice or cute I was; no matter how captivating my story was. No upgrade. There was nothing they could do except sell me a phone at a tiny discount. Meaning, a new one would cost more than $200.! That just wasn't going to happen.
Dear At&T, Welcome to my short list.
Long and confusing story short-I got a great new phone for free! My boss has some connections and had a brand new phone sitting in a drawer that I got to have! It's the same model as my old one, which is perfect! Only the new one has all of it's buttons, no cracked buttons or case, opens when you try to open it-and here's the kicker, it WORKS!! I'm so excited! It's a small thing, but it was huge to me. I am so thankful for my new phone!
I don't know why things are all of the sudden starting be good for me, but I'll take it! I keep catching myself doing this unusual thing-smiling! I smile just because-it's awesome! This week has been so great.
In other news, I mailed George's "proof" yesterday! I was so relieved to do so. Another blessing was that it didn't cost what I thought it would-it was only $48! Yay! That was the LAST TIME I had to mail anything across the ocean to him! My days are now full of things I'm either doing for the last time or have only one more time before he comes (one more rent check before George is here!). It's so exciting!
Please keep praying for the visa and medicals. George is going to try and get all of his medicals done next week! He needs favor getting off of work to do them and to actually be seen, there are no appointments, it's just first come, first serve.

1 comment:

Cécile said...

It's great to read such positive posts on your blog now. I hope things continue to go well for both of you!