Monday, November 23, 2009


Time is flying by-woohoo!! I'm trying to get everything I need to do for the wedding, Christmas, little apartment odds and ends and everything else I can think of, BEFORE George comes! It's wonderfully crazy!
I had a huge accomplishment this week- programs! Over the last 4 days, I have worked on and finally completed our wedding programs (with the able assistance of my MOM!). You probably don't know this, but I'm a paper freak! I don't scrapbook, but when it comes to other paper crafts, watch out!! My mom and I went to about a zillion stores that carry specialty paper on the hunt for the right color and the right texture. The color was pretty much an impossible task. After much ado, we found something pretty darn close, so we went with it! I had a design, an awesome one. I didn't realize I would need to use my Bro's Mac for the printing part-ugh. Let me tell you, Microsoft Word, on a Mac, with VERY specific design wants, is a tough job! It took hours to format! Then I had to customize the ink color and the heavy card stock didn't want to go through the fancy printer. I went through 4 cutting blades on the cute little paper cutter and had to return to go out for more adhesive. I wondered why I started this very involved project in the first place! But alas, it's finished! I LOVE the programs. Little details like this really matter to me. If you are coming to my wedding, please note the programs! I'm glad we did this before George is here!
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and planning out all my other to-dos! In case you were wondering, I'm still pretty excited about my free tires! Yay God! Yay life!


Kristen said...

how fun!! i'm so glad things are looking so up!

Nana said...

I can feel that joy of yours all the way down here!