Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wonderful, WONDERFUL day!!

This has truly been a fabulous and blessed Thanksgiving! There is so, SO MUCH to be thankful for and I couldn't possibly type it all!
I hate to say it, because it sounds so dramatic, but this has been my first good Holiday without George. It's also my last!!
This will probably be boring to some of y'all, so I'll breeze through the deets...
My grandma is recovering from sickness and our plans changed a lot, so this year my mom, little brother and I took food to she and my grandpa. It was a hoot! Thankfully, she is feeling much better! She was very funny today and proud to show off many of her recent projects!
I got a call from George's mom today. She is doing better than expected! She doesn't know when she'll leave the hospital, but seemed to be in great spirits and was speaking well. She told me over and over again not to worry, just pray! :)
George got his medical reports back. All is well and we're one step closer! The interview is two weeks from today!!
My dad worked today-that is fabulous! Earlier this year (several times, actually) we didn't know if he would continue to have his job or not, now he's getting overtime. Doubling the awesomeness-he got off in time for food and Wii tourneys.
My siblings who live near by came over to the rents' house and we had a blast eating, laughing, playing and being thankful together! Yay family and YAY Thanksgiving!!

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