Saturday, October 31, 2009


For those of you eager to know how all of this went down and what happens next, read on!
Yesterday was a normal, Dear-God-help-me-get-through-this-day-and-not-go-crazy sort of day. As you know, the years of long distance and the particularly difficult last several months have really been wearing on me. So I was chillin' at my parents' house, blog cruising and checking out an adorable picture of my little I-man (the kid I nanny) in his new Halloween costume. I was basically doing anything possible to occupy my mind!
Then, I checked my e-mail. I had a letter from the NVC and the subject line was the case number and something about an interview. Even though it looked a little different, I was thinking it was probably a 9 week late response or something, which is what I typically get, so calmly opened it(calmly meaning, I started shaking and my heart rate went up, but I didn't say anything). The body was generic, but there was an Adobe attachment with the real info. That's when the drama began. In a recent cleaning spree (one that included vacuuming my mattress and curtains, as well as "cleaning up" my computer) I dumped Adobe Reader, because I "rarely" used it. Mistake. So I quickly and again, "calmly" barked to my brother something along the lines of:
"Oh my God, I have something that may very well change my life forever and need to open it with Adobe, get off that computer now! I need it."
Only there were no spaces or breaths between the words. Then, it happened! I opened the attachment to read these BEAUTIFUL words:
....blurrr, blurrr, blurrr......An immigrant visa interview has been scheduled......ACCRA on December 10, 2009...blurrr, blurrr.....
Then the insanity ensued! I started screaming, I started was contagious. My mom, who had chicken all over her hands, started screaming as well and Jeremy did the soccer victory dance, with screaming, of course. Then I started sobbing, so Jeremy victory danced away and my mom awkwardly hugged me (chicken hands, you know). It was wonderful! I couldn't believe it, Iwas shaking, I was shocked, I thought I might faint, but I didn't..... We looked a little like this....
Then it was time to let George know. Unfortunately, he was asleep and we had major connection issues. After about 10 tries, I woke the man up with the best news he could have imagined. His reaction? "God is WONDERFUL!" Yep, I'm gonna marry that man! Then he said, "Are you sure?" Haha! So blabbering and blubbering continued and then the whole world found out. Well, not the whole world, but it's on Facebook, so almost.
I celebrated with a new purse, Champagne and FOOD! With my family, of course.
And now, the all important question: What's next?
Medicals are next! Before George has his interview, he has to have an x-ray, blood tests, immunizations and a physical. This won't exactly be simple. He has to get these done at specific clinics and not one clinic can do all 4. There will probably be "fast money" involved as well, so we're not sure of the exact cost. Do I care? Absolutely not!
Then, he has to get some MORE passport pictures taken, which never seem to be the right ones.
Finally, it's interview time! The point of this interview will be to prove the legitimacy of our relationship, so George needs LOTS of proof. No one ever knows until they are actually being interviewed how intense it will be. He may be asked 3 questions or 30 questions. They may want to see all of our pictures or just see that he actually has pictures. We'll just have to wait to know what he gets.
George will find out whether he was granted a visa at the interview. They could deny a visa, which is not likely at all; they could ask for more proof, which I doubt will happen; or they could APPROVE his visa! Approval truly is the most likely outcome, but we can't be certain until it actually happens. Then his visa will be printed, that could take anywhere from 3 hours to a week! Once visa is in hand and checked for errors, we will be able to buy a ticket and cement wedding plans!
I'm still wrapping my mind around this. We're not out of the woods yet, but it's finally starting to feel like this will actually happen! I'm so shocked and so thankful!
Please continue to pray for the following:
  • Quick medicals, with good results and fair prices.
  • No changes in interview date!
  • A good interviewer, who is for us and not against us.
  • APPROVED visa!
  • Fast visa printing, with no mistakes.
  • Good flights with great connections.
  • Easy entry into the States.

Thanks for your support! We so appreciate it!!!


Nana said...

No chicken hands, but I'm screaming for you!!!!!!! wow o wow!!!! can't wait to hear the rest of the story. love you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! God is GOOD ALL the time! But [you] shall reap if [you] do not lose heart in due season
(Galatians 6:9) and YOU HAVE!

Doing a happy dance for you both. I've been around this block about 16 years was nerve racking.....but been happily married with two kiddos.......ever after.....with the Lord on our side!

Cécile said...

I'm so hahppy for you! I stumbled on your blog after reading your comment on "Obroni Observations" I've been stuck here for the past 2 hours in my very cold computer room reading your blog from the beginning. Okay I skipped a few entries, because I wanted to get to the end, but I read 75%. I had already read this post, so knew what the 'end' was. I don't know if I could have kept reading if I didn't. I like happy endings. I will continue to read and hope things go really well for you from here on.

Best of luck!!!


Oh p.s. I was in Ghana last week for 4 days. That is really the extent of my knowledge of Ghana.

Sister Beta said...

Thanks everyone...I love new commenters! :)

The pale observer said...

Good luck with the process! I just found your blog via Barb, a fellow blogger in Ghana.

I'm a Canadian, but I've been based in Accra for the past 14 years.

Great to read about your 'story' - I've had many friends in the same situation over the years - it's quite a struggle!

Well I'll be back to keep updated.

Please feel free also to read my little rants from Accra at Holli's Ramblings.


Holli in Accra