Thursday, October 29, 2009

Glimmer of hope!

Okay people! I have a smile on my face and a little glimmer of hope!
I just got an e-mail from my boss, her husband got a job! It doesn't make as much as his last job, but they really want to find a way to keep me. So, they are going to try and give me as many hours through the end of the year as they can (she's still on maternity leave and grandma wants time with the kiddies). For next year they are going to try and make things work for full time. If George is here and has a job, my salary won't be quite the big deal that it is now. It will be more important that I have an understanding boss who gets our situation and is flexible to our needs...this family is just that. I love this family like they are mine and their kids are so precious to me. I am praying, praying, praying that everything will work out. Please pray with me! This has really renewed my strength and hope and I am so thankful.
Please also keep praying that George gets an interview this next round! Obviously we really want to be together, but it would simplify so many things and help us out financially if he would just get an interview!

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