Wednesday, October 28, 2009


As you know from reading my blog, I'm fairly times, I can be brutally honest. I don't like fake, and I try hard not to be. Life is a struggle and it doesn't help anyone to pretend that it isn't.
I met an interesting person last night who wanted to hear my story. Unfortunately, she didn't just want to hear my story, she want to comment and advise me. (I should get a badge or a shirt or something made that warns people not to do that.)
Her comments were very Sunday School type answers, kind of fake. They left me wondering: 'Are you for real? Did you think before you said that, and who taught you that, Miley Cyrus?' Here are some things I heard from said young lady, and my thoughts, in purple:
  • What a cool story!
  • Uh, yeah...but it's not just a story dumb-dumb, it's my life!
  • Wow, God must really be teaching you so much, how wonderful!
  • Maybe, has He told you that? Why are you so excited?
  • What an experience, God is really using you!
  • Okay, I'll give on that one...I guess. But again, don't sound so impressed or excited...I'm standing right here!
  • It's all about the journey, not the destination.
  • No, it is not ALL about the journey, did the Disney channel teach you that? Think please, before you speak. In this case it is very much about the destination.
  • I'm sure everything will be ok...
  • Or maybe it won't, how do you know? (I could be a tad on the cynical side, but we have no guarantee.)
  • Oh, but you need the body of Christ. *In response to my current church sitch.
  • The thing about that is, when the "body" does more harm than good, they are not being "the body" and it's time to move on, so that's what I did. *I actually said that one. Bethany-1, Little Girl-0
The thing is, this girl is still young and maybe hasn't learned or been taught to think critically. She isn't the only person who has said things like that though. I know I have mentioned this before, a lot actually, but since it's ongoing, I will continue to blog about it...sorry if that bores you.
I'm not sure why people don't think, and why God is this fluffy, in-a-box type guy. Don't people want more? Are they afraid to find it?
I don't know if he came up with or not, but my dad recently told me, "He who made the mind, isn't afraid of it." I love that. It's okay to not have the answers. It's okay to search for them and ask questions. God is not threatened by that, Christians shouldn't be either.
This most recent transaction came while I am considering going to a new church's get-together on Thursday. I can't imagine 50 people who don't know me, asking questions about me and my life and similar things not coming up. I think I'll pass. Instead, I will continue to be a hermit who daily migrates to my mommy's house...

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