Friday, October 2, 2009

Contingency plan.

So it begins...round seven.
This is it. Interview scheduling has begun. Technically it begins on Monday, but that's a lie, things are already 'in play'. In two weeks or less, I will either be celebrating the victory of FINALLY getting an interview, or preparing to go to Ghana. Our track record so far would suggest that we are definitely NOT getting an interview. While there is still an itty bitty glimmer of hope somewhere deep in my heart, I'm not holding my breath (I'm also still trying to figure out if that is contradictory or just common sense). I've moved onto the contingency know, just in case.
So here's the plan. Go on 'furlough' from my current job and wait it out a bit in Ghana. I'm thinking leave early November and come back in January. I know my family will miss me, especially for the holidays, and I will miss them too. That's the not-so-great part of the plan. I can't wait forever though. Time together will be SO good for us and I know that if I have to return without G, we will both be stronger and refocused. For now, I'm trying not to think about the returning part though-I've got to get there first!
My contingency plan has been complicated however, by the fact that the job that was going to pay at least November's rent, but possibly more, fell through. So I'm really trying to make money quickly here. Would you please pray for that? God has faithfully provided for trip, after trip, after trip to Ghana. I hope He continues to do so. Also, if you live near me and know of any short term jobs, please let me know!
And that cryptic "Please Pray" government junk is still hangin' around. So please continue to pray for that too. There's just a bunch of hard stuff right now...okay, that's an understatement, we're completely weary and brokenhearted right now. We really need a breakthrough.


She thinks too hard! said...

Weary, brokenhearted...we want so much to see good happen for you, and soon. Love, Mama

posekyere said...
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