Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sheryl Sandberg, Go Away!

Okay Tiffany, I'm posting anyway. Ha!

In case you don't watch the news, or read the news, Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook, former VP of Google and on the board of Disney/ABC) recently released a book called Lean In. The goal is to start some sort of feminist movement, how original. She wants to get a conversation going and empower women! Again, so very original.

Makafui hasn't been feeling well lately, so the last two days have been spent mostly on the couch with him sleeping on me. I haven't read this book, but I'm pretty sure I've seen about 27,000 interviews with Sheryl Sandberg talking about it, so I've pretty much read the book.

She talks about women needing to speak up for themselves. That is wonderful, we should speak up for ourselves, how else will our children learn to do the same?

She is a huge proponent of women and men making the same amount of money. Well so am I, if you do the same job, you shouldn't get paid less simply because of gender.

And here it is, she really and truly believes you can have it all! This is what pisses me off. It's a lie and it's tragic for the next generation. You CANNOT climb the corporate ladder, give ALL you have to a company to gain accolades and make tons of money AND be a good Mom...or really, let's take gender out of it, you can't be a good Dad if you are doing those things either.

When you work 7 days, 90 plus hours a week there just isn't enough left. Something's gotta give and it's usually family.

(Oh, and the way she stereotypes men is annoying too!)

So what Sheryl Sandberg has billions of dollars, a book out, the best nannies money can buy and her kids get to go to ivy league preschool. Does she know what color jammies they wore last night? When was the last time she took them to the park and just played? Her children will be raised with every luxury...except knowing that they were greater than...greater than money, greater than success, greater than Mommy's self fulfillment.

That is sad. I really wish people would stop propagating the have-it-all mentality when in reality, it's a succeed in your career (often at all costs) and kind of have a family as a hobby.

I know there are always special circumstances, but that's not what I'm talking about here. My Dad is always so good to remind us to invest ourselves into things that eternal. Money, success, things, they're all gonna burn. Our relationships and the impact we have on people will not.

Okay, rant over.


Mama B said...

Wooooooohhhh! You are fired up! If you were any more "empowered," dear girl, you would need to come with a warning label. Could not have said it better myself and I am so blessed at how engaged you girls are in the raising of your precious "investments." You will never be sorry.

Tiffany said...

Haha! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! Thanks for saying what I didn't feel was right for me to post.

Anonymous said...

... Read the book... Before you talk! Great book!

Sister Beta said...

@ Anonymous, I don't need to read the book before talking about Sheryl Sandberg, because I'm talking about the message she is preaching in the media. I stand by my comments about her which are based on her words and persona. You cannot have it all when ALL means a career like she has. You are going to sacrifice something...and that something is usually family. Yes women should be empowered and speak up, yes we should make $1 for $1 what a man makes. We should also be strong enough to tell our children they are greater than and make them a priority. I'm not going to support the have it all falsehood by buying her book, and if that's not what her book really preaches then she needs to learn how to communicate.