Monday, March 4, 2013

Hammer it Home

This week, 3 different places/people/studies in our life ALL hit on the same point. Trusting God, having huge faith, seeking Him first and letting everything else fall into place.

I know pretty much everyone needs to hear this, pretty much all the time, but this is an especially good time for us to hear this. We have several decisions and anxieties floating around right now that have threatened to take our eyes off of what's really important.

We are often begging God for clear direction, but not sure what the very next step is supposed to be. I feel like we're in limbo sometimes or just in a "tight spot" and not sure what to do about it. Our sermon yesterday was about Abraham and Isaac. Right before Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, an angel told him to stop! Then, there was a ram in the bush and he used that for the sacrifice. It stood out for me for the first time that the angel only told him to stop, not that he should also use the ram. Common sense came into play for that part. And isn't God just like that? Sometimes we do get big, loud, clear directions...other times, we just need to look around a little bit and use the common sense God has given us.

Today, and hopefully for a while to come, I am really trying to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and let God deal with all of the details.

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Sweet girl, you are so sensitive and try so hard to please God. Could not be more proud. Right there with you in that tight spot thing, trusting our good, great God.