Thursday, March 1, 2012

Out and About

Today, Makafui and I ventured out to Bible Study together. He did GREAT! He slept through the whole lecture and most of discussion time, just waking up to eat. Then he slept the whole way home and an hour longer once we got here! I couldn't believe it! I made and ate my lunch with both hands, tidied up the apartment, did some laundry and rested for a bit. I'm learning to work quickly while he sleeps.
Tonight, we did our first family eat out. Chick-Fil-A, of course. I fed Makafui right up until we went to get G in hopes that he would chill while we eat, that didn't matter....he spent the entire meal like this. (Yes, I do look verrrry tired.)

Oh well, it was still fun and I'm getting good at eating with one hand and using my baby as a gigantic napkin. Regardless, I see more Chick-Fil-A dates in our future.

In other cuteness...

He actually fell asleep with his arms up like this the other day and kept them there...too cute!

I LOVE those lips!! He has been enjoying his play mat lately.

1 comment:

Mama B said...

You may look verry tired but still verrry beautiful! Such a sweet little family. Glad you introduced Makafui to Chick-Fil-A. I see many more visits there in his future.