Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby Weight

Today I cleaned out my closet and put away my maternity clothes. It was a little bit sad because I loved being pregnant so much and the belly was fun.

Now, I have 3-4 outfits that I can wear.

I got into one pair of pre-pregnancy jeans 2 1/2 weeks after Makafui was born (plus some jeggings, but I don't feel like jeggings count)...they don't all fit though. I'm not sure what I weigh, becuase scales are from the Devil. I told myself before he was born that I've lost weight before and I can do it again (true). I also told myself that I would be nice to myself, focus on my baby and good health and worry about working out and dropping the pounds after my 6 week 'go ahead' from the Dr.

That last part has been easier said than done. I am soooo anxious to hit the gym and know, when I get 30 minutes to myself. It's weird, I look in the mirror and think, "Wow, I look really good for having just had a baby!" Then, I try and put on my [skinny] jeans and feel like a fat cow! Silly, I know-hopefully putting this out there will help me feel better. :)

I get to go shopping for my Birthday, which is in about 6 weeks. I hope I've gotten a little smaller by then-I'm not doing this nine months on, nine months off thing! I'm looking forward to a very positive Baby Weight update in the very near future.


Kristen said...

it will come off!! plus, i despise people who can get into their skinny jeans four weeks after giving birth.

Sister Beta said...

I love hearing that from you-you're the skinniest person I know! I despise those people too. :)