Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ponderings of a New Mommy

Despite being sleep deprived and hardly being able to remember my name some days, each day of being a mommy has brought me some new or known, but seen afresh spiritual insight to ponder. I think of God more as a parent now and am understanding His love for us and sacrifice of Jesus in new ways.

Today, Makafui was crying in his car seat on the way home. Nothing I said or sang would calm him down. He knew I was nearby, but it wasn't enough for him. I'm sure the poor baby just couldn't understand why I wouldn't pick him up! That's all he wanted. As sad as it is to listen to him cry and not do anything about it, I know that keeping him in his car seat is the safest and best place for him...even when he hates it and it's uncomfortable.

So it got me to thinking. How many times does God have me on the way to somewhere good and I am the one crying because it's uncomfortable and I don't understand why He just won't get me out?! Probably more times than I would like to admit. But just like Makafui and his car seat, it's the safest and best place for me, whether I like it or not.

On another note...I made lasagna one handed today while nursing Makafui. BOOM! I'm so proud of myself that I had to share! :)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

one handed lasagna making!! you're my hero. i think we should start a nursing moms club, kind of like the girl scouts, only you get badges for crazy stuff that you can manage to do while nursing.
i want a badge for carrying on a awkward conversation with my father in law...