Tuesday, February 28, 2012

3 Weeks

(Today was rough, this is the best I could get for his 3 week shot.)
Makafui's biggest accomplishment this week is getting back up to birth weight! This makes me SO happy and I feel a lot less stress about his feedings and weight gain. He's also gaining at a faster pace than he had been, so no more weight checks at the Dr!

Last week I couldn't believe it had been 2 weeks already. In contrast, this week alone feels like it's been 3 weeks. My sweet little dude has been especially exhausting this week. Some days, and many nights have been hard, but he's worth it.

He continues to eat pretty much all the time, this could be normal newborn cluster feeding that he'll outgrow soon, or he could have his Daddy's metabolism-which is a scary thought!

He's still pretty chill if he's not hungry. Most of the time, the reason he cries is for food, rarely is he just fussy.

He seriously has the cry of a boy! It's deep compared to other babies and it cracks us up.

Makafui is a champ when we go out and about. Typically, he observes what's going on around us, or just sleeps through our outings-which is great, but doesn't allow me to take a nap.

He LOVES to be swaddled and snuggled up tight. He can only handle being "free" for a little while before it starts to bother him and he needs wrapped up again.

He HATES to be cold, which isn't surprising to us at all...we don't like the cold either.
This week we finally used all the disposable diapers we had been given and started cloth diapering full time. So far, I'm loving it! The diapers are super cute and the bright colors make me smile. They are very absorbent, easy to use and washing them hasn't been a big deal at all. They are still pretty big on his tiny tush (even the newborn size) but he'll chunk up before we know it.
I was going to get a good picture of him in his M shirt, but he peed on it before I could. :)

Daddy time is getting a little harder these days since M loves to eat so much, but we still snag it when we can.

This week, M spent some time with his cousin Sophia. This picture cracks me up! I think they'll be great buds one day.

My baby is so stinkin' cute!

1 comment:

Sue Anne McKinney said...

yes, he is!!! By the way, your mom probably told you this, but 3 weeks is a growth spurt!! So, pretty normal to see that want to eat all the time around now!
He is such a cutie!!!