Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I have always been a fan of summer. The heat doesn't bother me too much, I like having a tan and I love sundresses. Monday, the heat index was 105 and the UV index was extreme. That's not weather for a baby. We stayed inside all day. I'm still figuring out what we're gonna do all summer.

I have a few more pounds to lose to be back at pre-baby weight, but my smallest jeans fit!!!!! There are no words to describe my excitement over this!! All of my nursing friendly pre-preg clothes are back into my clothing rotation and they'll just look better and better!

I miss Ghana more than I thought I would once G was here. I think I miss the simplicity and community the most.

I'm itching to travel! Seriously, I want to travel so bad!

Makafui didn't last the whole service in the nursery this week, but that's okay. He's the best, sweetest, cutest baby ever nonetheless.

I love, love, love the time after swimming with M. We sit in the shade and snuggle while chatting with whoever went with us. Makafui just wears a bright colored diaper and maybe a hooded towel. It is pure bliss and I wish I could freeze time in those moments.

I am happy and proud to be Makafui's only source of nutrition, but I do miss margaritas every now and then. I'm not rushing to wean him, but when he is, I may just have a party. I'll have real coffee and dark chocolate and margaritas at that party.

I would secretly...or not so secretly now, love to be a surrogate. I loved being pregnant and it seems so cool to be able to help a couple have a bio baby. My husband on the other hand, is completely revolted by the idea and doesn't even like me to joke about it. So it'll never happen. Haha!

I reeeeeally like food. Like a lot, which would be why I still have weight to lose. I am enjoying being able to cook more now that Makafui is less needy in the daytime. I'm looking forward to making some yummy pies for Father's Day.

Before I had a baby, I rarely ever wore concealer under my eyes. These days, I feel like I keep Physician's Formula in business!

G got moved back to a closer branch!! We don't know how long it will last, but we're going to soak up alllll the goodness in the meantime. This means home for lunch breaks and I have a car in the afternoon. The days won't seem so long and we'll be able to get out a little bit more. Kristen, we must get together this summer!

After my last post about sleep, more people have kind of come out of the woodwork and revealed that their babies either aren't currently sleeping or didn't back in the day when they had babies. This is super encouraging to me that I'm not alone.

It's true what all those parents told me about loving your baby before M was born. I still look at him and can't believe how completely and totally in love I am. What a wonderful, wonderful blessing!!!

I love our little life, on the good days, on the hard days and all through the sleepless nights.


Anonymous said...

That does it! I'm getting one - lets see...nine months from now would be...a March baby. Perfect.

Sue Anne McKinney said...

haha! I'm way past getting a baby!!!BUT it sure was sweet to remember the early summer days with my FIRST baby, Kristen. It was a hot, hot summer in Waco, TX. We ended up moving to Dallas in August. So many changes, but we were taken care of so well.

Kristen said...

oh boy, so much to say...
1. congrats on getting back into your skinny jeans!!! and your baby is only 4 months old. i'm impressed.
2. i think tx summers with baby can be soul sucking.
3. yay for G moving to a closer branch.
4. maybe you can be my surrogate, pregnancy is not kind to me
5.let's set a pool get together DATE! and at that date we can discuss a starting a "my kid is just super smart and that's why he/she never sleeps" club