Monday, June 25, 2012

35 Years, Adventuring, Goodbye

Today is my parents' 35 year wedding anniversary!! That is a looong time. :) We think they've pretty much hung the moon and we are so blessed that God saw fit to put us in a family with them. What a wonderful example of a Godly marriage!!

They are clebrating this week by NOT working and spending lots of time together doing fun stuff. They only need one car for that, so they generously let me use Maxx (my Dad's car) for the week. Fun, fun! So we are adventuring this week.

I'm on a hunt for this delicious box, normally, I don't do box dinners. I think in general, they don't taste very good, they aren't very healthy and they are overpriced. This one is the exception. Macaroni Grill Chicken Piccata. Yuuuuummy! I love it so much! You add fresh chicken, but it has the wine, seasonings and pasta for a fast and awesome dinner.

Unfortunately, all the stores near me no longer carry it. So I've been searching online for it, without much luck. I finally saw that Wal-Mart in Harker Heights (about an hour away) has it! Woo-hoo! I hate Wal-Mart more than probably anyone you know, but I decided it was worth it. So today, Makafui, my sister and I trekked out to Wally in Harker Heights. And do you know what? They didn't have it. They had it yesterday, but they stopped carrying it as of today. Seriously. The upside was that it was fun, and the super great and cheap baby detergent we like (and again, can't find anywhere) was in stock, so I bought 9 bottles. :)

Which brings me to another part of our adventure. Time with my sister, Tiffany. She is moving to Houston this weekend! :( I'm kinda sad about that. We typically see each other 1-3 times a week, and now it will be a lot less frequent. When M gets a little older and we have wheels, we will take trips to H-Town to visit. So this week, we are really soaking up sister time and having fun adventures and making more memories.

Aaaaand, Makafui has another tooth, he's pretty proud.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

that is some serious dedication! i think i've only driven that far out of my way for a good deal on shoes :) happy anniversary to your mom and dad!