Monday, June 18, 2012

Roll over, roll over!

Today, Makafui did a pretty cool trick. I missed taking pictures of the beginning, so imagine him fully on his tummy for the first shot. :)

 He flopped on his shoulder and just hung out for a bit...

 ..he needed to enjoy the view... off his baby cleavage....

...and feel his tooth a bit...

 Then, he was ready.

Ta-da!! First time rolling over!


Kristen said...

crazy! i tell you he hasn't been sleeping because he's been too busy being advanced and brilliant!

Sister Beta said...

I think you are right! I read an article about babies and sleep and how their minds work, etc. The writer said it's impossible for them to sleep uninterrupted while they are 'mastering a skill' if that's true, he may never sleep!! :) That's okay, I'm gettin' a hang of this sleepless thing!