Friday, June 8, 2012

4 Months!!

My baby is 4 months old!! Wowee, has it really been only 4 months?

This boy's personality is really starting to shine! He's got a smile on his face most of the time and it is just so darn sweet!! He acts like he's ready to party at pretty much any moment.

He's very busy, but not in an all over the place sort of way. He's happy to just sit in my lap, but he looks around constantly, plays with his hands or my hands, squeals and makes noises and will play with anything I give him. He's always scanning the room and observing what's going on.

He gives kisses, which I LOVE!!!!

He plays a sweet little game with GiGi making noise, it's so precious!

He loves to pull up to standing (from sitting in my lap) and looks very proud of himself when he does.

He is enjoying tummy time more, but doesn't seem too interested in rolling over.

He is really great at getting toys into his mouth (even the BIG ones!) and chews on his thumb and fingers as well. He has not however, transferred that skill into sucking his thumb for comfort. Oh well.

Sleep is still a bit elusive and I think I've resigned myself to the fact that I got a "wakeful baby". Oh well. We had hit a really good pattern of sleep that was working really well for us, and then that went out the window. Yesterday, I woke him up early to go the Dr., he got shots, we ran errands and did all sorts of fun things and he only napped for about an hour and a half....for the whole day! How is that possible?? I'm learning a lot about God and parenting and dying to self, so in a round about way, I guess it's not too bad. :)

M is enjoying the stroller more and more, as long as he we haven't covered him up (to protect him from the sun) and he can see what's going on, he's happy.

He is very social and wants to be a part of what's going on. He gets mad in his car seat because he's all alone, if someone is in the backseat with him he's fine. And if he was mad and crying, he turns it off and breaks into a HUGE smile the second we get him.

And as you remember, his big accomplishment this month was going to the nursery at church. We'll see what happens this Sunday.

He had his shots yesterday and again, did very well. He's chunking up a bit and I love it. Here are the stats:

Head: 41.8cm 25-50%
Weight: 13lb 6.5oz 10-25%
Height: 25" 50-75%

So far, he's pretty steady in his growth and is long and lean. Wherever did he get that from? ;)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

love that second picture! what a cute smile!