Monday, October 4, 2010


This was a crazy and dramatic weekend! I don't really want to recap everything, but the long and short of it is that I had a last minute job interview. The interview went really well, things got complicated with my current family (who are no longer moving...for the time being) and I'm here at the same job, for the foreseeable future. I have to trust and believe that God knows what's best for me and that I am staying at my job for a reason. I'm also upping the prayers for G's career job!!
I think if I had more control and creativity in other areas of my life, it may bleed over to my job situation. So I'm working on getting back into to sewing as well as doing more baking and creating in general. I'm hoping that will help me to balance out stress a bit and make my job smaller in our lives.
Also, now that I really know that my job isn't temporary, there are things I can do in the day to day that will make it more enjoyable/easier.
So that's that. In other news, it is totally feeling like Fall here! I'm super pumped and ready to get some Fall decor! I'm making pumpkin bread today and I have to wear a cardigan when I go to work because it's actually CHILLY! I don't remember early October being this nice, but I love it! Also, I saw this cheesy thing at Sam's the other day, and I kind of want it. It's a fake fire and heater. Hee hee. It doesn't really go with our deign aesthetic, but I do love a fireplace! :)
Hoping for great things this week...

1 comment:

Tiffany said...


I'm sorry about your job. But glad that it has potential to get better! =)
God is working even though we don't always see.
We're praying for BOTH job situations you and G.

AND heck yes fall! I want to make pumpkin bread! And Pumpkin pie! From REAL pumpkins! And I am so with you on the decor but it's packing time so it'll have to wait til November. =)