Thursday, January 28, 2010

Constantly amazed...

George has been here for 11 days and I am still in awe! I catch myself thinking, "What time is it in Ghana? Can I call him?" Then I remember, he's 15 minutes away! I can call him, I can text him (for free) and I can see him when my work day is over! It hasn't gotten old and I hope it never does! We are so thankful to be together and to begin our forever life in just a few days! God is so good.
Yesterday, George was able to come with me and the kids I watch (almost 2 and 3 months) and run some last minute wedding errands. It was SO much fun to have him with me and I always love seeing him with kids. After we had done most of our errands, both kids fell fast asleep in the car, so we decided to steal a front seat date! As we were sitting in a parking lot, eating burgers from a drive-thru and drinking Diet Coke I realized......this is our life in 5 years. Hahaha! Seriously though, it's not just visits anymore, this our real life!
Having him here melts away the pain, anxiety and loneliness that have filled so much of the past several years. I never imagined life could be this wonderful! Each day gets better and I am excited for all of our tomorrows!
Last night we met with our officiant and went over the ceremony. It was so sweet! We are excited to exchange these vows and prayers in front of our family and friends and to celebrate all that God has done! It's just so amazing that it's finally happening!
In other news, George's SSN came today! It was faster than expected and we are happy to have it so we can move forward and join our lives on paper-I can't wait to have things in BOTH of our names!
Things continue to go well, the hardest part right now is slowing down. We have been happily meeting people, trying new things, going here and there and all sorts of busy stuff. It's been great, but we are ready to begin settling into our life together and to find our normal. We are SO EXCITED about the wonderful wedding my parents are giving us (stay tuned for an awesome blog post about it:) but we're excited for life too!


Kristin said...

Oh yeah!!! I have been following your blog off and on for the last year through Anita's and I am SO happy to hear that you are together finally! Warms my heart! Congrats on the upcoming wedding!

Anonymous said...

God is GOOD! ALL the time! I'm so very excited for how all the pieces to the puzzle are coming together for you both so awesomely!