Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Job seeking and wedding planning...

Yesterday, George went to our church's Job Seekers Network. It was completely amazing! He was blessed and encouraged (and because of that, so was I) and got some great tips! He'll keep going and the wonderful people there will continue to help him understand the American way of hiring and to encourage him in this search and new chapter. What a great church! We are so thankful and excited!
Yesterday was also my sister's Birthday and her birthday party/personal shower. TOO. MUCH. FUN. We laughed and laughed, and I must say, you don't really know someone until you see the type of gift they bring to a "personal shower". Haha! During said shower, George and my dad had man time. My dad introduced George to two of his close friends, Lowes and Best Buy. They had an equally good time.
In other news....our wedding is SO CLOSE!! I can't believe it! Unfortunately, I am working MORE, not less in the days that lead up to it, so I am doing some juggling and leaning on my family and friends to help out! I used up all my stress on immigration, so I'm pretty chill about it all, though I keep having dreams about forgetting something. Oh well, the most important part is here now! It will be great and I am so excited-my mom has been working really hard to make this a perfect day for us. I really can't believe it's so close!
I have been terrible about taking and posting pictures! Soon, I'll put some up, but at the very least, there will be a wedding post with all the good stuff!


Kristen said...

can't wait for the wedding!! also, my dad helps lead the 'job finding'/networking/support group at their church (Grace Covenant) if George wants to expand his network a little and visit their class too, i think it meets on monday nights.

Anonymous said...

Yee Haw!
Congrats and have fun with all your plans and preparation!

Sister Beta said...

Thanks K! That's great to know! See you Sat at the party of the year! ;)