Sunday, January 10, 2010

5 days...and other things.

FIVE days until George picks up his visa!! I am officially excited!
My car eventually started. It's a weak Texas car. Apparently, one below freezing cold start took all the juice out of the battery and it had to warm up/recharge for a while before it would start again. I'll remember that the next time it's that cold, though I hope it's a very long time before it's THAT cold again! Heat, when will you come back to me?
I have plan for the unwanted call and am choosing not to worry about it!
As for that thing I probably wasn't supposed to hear....well, I'm taking quiet action. I will decide what to say and when to say it later. I have a pretty good poker face to people who don't know me very well, so I think I can keep things on my terms for a while. I'm trying to relax about it, trying is the operative word!
I have the best little brother. After my hard day on Friday, we went out to dinner to unwind. He wouldn't let me talk about stressful things and kept me laughing. We went to Pei Wei-at about 7, I had only consumed around 300 calories for the whole day so I was HUUUUUNNGRY! While we waited for our food, I had 8 fortune cookies (I know, ridiculous). The first one had a stupid fortune about patience. Showing his support, Little Brother snatched it, shoved it in his mouth and ate it! Classic. We laughed all night long. I sure do love my little brother!
African Cup of Nations has begun! (For you soccer illiterates, it's like the African soccer Super Bowl) George is one happy guy. :) Anyone know of any sports bars that will have coverage in the Austin area?

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