Monday, June 1, 2009

An update...

So here's what's going on. After the meltdown on Wednesday and getting a grip of the fact that it will indeed be a while before we are reunited, we took a breath. Many people were praying for us and sad with us over this not so great news. And God was good. He has given us both an amazing amount of peace and strength to move forward. Thank you for your prayers, and please, keep them coming!
Since we know he won't be leaving Ghana very soon, George got a job. He is now program assistant for an NGO in Ghana that coordinates international volunteers with local needs. This job keeps him very busy, may fulfill his national service requirements, allows him to hear lots of different English (which should help when he comes) and he is free to leave whenever he gets his visa-which will hopefully be in July. We are both thankful for it.
I moved into our apartment as planned (pictures soon) and again, God gave me immense peace. It was not sad (living in a cramped and crappy apartment pre-move helped, I'm sure:) and no, the walls do not mock me that George is not here. However, it is quite the adjustment to be completely alone, especially because most of my life I have lived with not a few, but a LOT of people. I am fine though. I know George will come and I know that this is what God has for me right now. So, we keep on praying and keep on doing the things we know we are supposed to be doing. I am happy to get our home set up, it's a work in progress, but so far, I love it! I look forward to posting pics! My mom was such a huge help and blessing this weekend and I'm so glad she shared this experience with me. This is a new chapter in my life and I plan on seeing it as the adventure that it is and living to the fullest...even while I'm alone.

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