Thursday, April 30, 2009

Are we having fun yet?

I love adventures. I love trying new things, seeing new places and meeting new people. I enjoy all of the preparation for a new adventure and everything involved. But do you know what I hate about adventures? Coming home. I either want to be doing the cool/amazing/bizarre/scary thing or I want to be home, but I don't want to be on the way home for a long time. I don't know what it is, but it kills me! The flight from New York to Austin is less than 4 hours. The flight from Accra to New York is more than 12 hours! I could swear to you though, that the last flight home, that last tiny leg is WAY longer than the 12+ it took me to get into this country. That's what this feels like. This process has at times been exciting and wonderful, not often, but at times. I've tried to look at it as an adventure and have been elated every time I got a snippet of good news and thankful every time more money was due that I had it. Now everything is finished and I'm waiting for home. The adventure is over, the fun is over, I'm tired of this and need home.
Unfortunately, this last leg, this final step until George and I can be together for good keeps on getting longer. After 15 days, the consulate in Accra finally decided to answer my e-mail. They told me our case is not with them and walked me through the immigration process because obviously, I'm some idiot who doesn't know what's going- oh wait, I do know what's going on, immigration has only been the main thing on my mind for months....scratch that, YEARS now! I could walk them through the process. They sure do know how to get under my skin. So we'll see what happens next. I've contacted the NVC and I hope and pray that someone knows where our stuff is.
Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. Psalm 42:11

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