Wednesday, April 22, 2009


You would think that with all the waiting George and I have done throughout our entire relationship that this short time left wouldn't be a big deal. I wish!
Waiting for an interview is KILLING ME! Well, maybe it's not actually killing me, but it seems harder than all the other times of waiting! I feel like we can see the finish line, but someone keeps moving it- and instead of trudging on to get there, I just want to deck said finish line mover. Real Christ-like of me, huh?
Sorry to vent and sorry to be a baby (what's a blog for though?). I'll go and remember the faithfulness of God, look at pictures of George, dream of our future and work on my tan. By the next post, I'll have a better attitude.
Psalm 20:7

1 comment:

She thinks too hard! said...

I agree!!! This waiting is harder than all the other. Let's deck the finish line mover together. Off to check your registries again!!! Tee Hee!!