Saturday, April 4, 2009

It's REAL!

So it's been a really great day! I'm smiling ear to ear and I hope it doesn't go away for a while. All of the sudden, with this wonderful news, my outlook has changed from holding my breath and praying that immigration will work out to realizing it really will. George really is coming and we really do have a wonderful life together ahead of us!
Before I knew the news of today, I found our apartment this morning and put money down on it. Yay! Forward progress! We were both elated about it (even though the poor guy didn't get to help pick it out) and had no clue what great news would meet us later.
I also packed a LOT. My family is moving to a rent house while they wait for their new house to be built. I'll move with them for about 6 weeks and then into "our place"-so the packing is interesting! I have short move and final move boxes and most likely messed up the system at some point. However, I'm still on about cloud 47 (I passed 9 a few hours ago) so I don't even care!
I'm so incredibly happy!
Most people want to know what happens now. So I'll tell you. All of our paperwork will be forwarded onto Ghana. Then, an appointment time will be chosen for him and a letter sent to each of us detailing what to expect and the things he needs to do before the appointment. We're told to expect 8 weeks or so before we get this incredible letter. I don't think it will be that long. I'm still praying and obviously God is on the move! Please pray with me! Pray for a quick interview time and for the right interviewer. Let me say again....YAY!!!!!!

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