Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hard Work and Miracles

As you most certainly know by now, Makafui is a VERY wakeful baby!

We devoted November to dealing with nighttime issues and we were making some real progress. Then, Makafui got sick and stopped eating solids for more than a week. I gladly threw our progress out the window and nursed him all throughout the night. I'm glad I did that-it was good for his health but it wasn't exactly great for out night issues.

He got better. Too better. Our nighttime interactions turned into him holding me hostage by my anatomy and it was getting very, very frustrating and exhausting for me.

So I decided it really, truly had to stop. My plan? Cold turkey night weaning.

We started on New Years Eve since G had the next day off. It was both harder and easier than I expected. M did NOT fall back to sleep easily. G and I tag-teamed holding/rocking/shushing/dancing/singing/promising the moon/laying down with him and leaving him alone for periods of time. He cried less when we left him alone, but didn't lay down and sleep. It took a little more than 2 hours each time for him to get back to sleep. He didn't seem to want nursed that bad, he also didn't really know what to do to get back to sleep. Sorry baby, my bad.

The next night was a LOT better. His first wake up took only 20 minutes-no crying at all and the second one took an hour.

Last night, I was really nervous that he would wise up and really fight the weaning thing. Instead, he slept from 9pm to 6:45am....STRAIGHT THROUGH!! I was up constantly looking at the video monitor, but little dude was fast asleep. It only took 10 months, 3 weeks and 6 days but he FINALLY slept through the night.

I am hoping and praying that this is going to be his new normal, but also preparing for a little more hard work. Go baby, GO!!!!

Good night = very happy mornings!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

yay!! that is so exciting! way to go M!