Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I've been a super lame blogger...way to start 2013. So here's what's up...

-We're thinking and praying a lot lately about who we are as a family and what our life should look like. I am so glad and blessed that we are on the same page as a couple, headed in the same direction. We are seeking the Lord for many things...big and small alike.

-In 2 weeks, Makafui has slept night through morning 3 times! Most other nights, he wakes once.

-My sister's baby shower was here on Sunday and it went fabulously, if I do say so myself. :)

-We returned our 3 1/2 year old couch to Pier 1...they have the best customer service ever.

-I strapped M on my back and attempted to move said couch to a truck with G. We got it out of our apartment and onto the landing and I said I couldn't do it. G responded that I just needed to help him put the couch on his head and he would take. He was serious. I called my brother.

-We're sitting on the floor currently.

-In two weeks, I put 1,000 miles on my new car. I guess I had some pretty serious cabin fever. We've backed off on the driving...mostly.

-We are starting to entertain more and I'm actually enjoying it.

-I want to give more.

-Makafui has been banging his head on EVERYTHING lately. I hope he is growing, rather than just crazy clumsy.

-G refuses to call my car Premium Schatzelein...he has named her Shonda Honda.

-I made some amaaaahhhzing pumpkin waffles the other day....what resolution??

-I ran into Kristen at IKEA last week. She has the cutest style, and it's a real style. I used to have a style, but not anymore. I NEED to find my cute mom style. I wear an interesting mix of Michael Kors and Old's not quite doin it for me.

-I have re-discovered eBay. Uh-oh.

-My wedding/engagement rings are too big and a band is missing a diamond. I'm not wearing them so I don't lose them and it's driving me nuts. I got a quote and it's gonna be more than $400 to fix them. Blah!! I may go buy a cheap something to wear while we wait to get them fixed...

-Makafui knows he's funny and cute, which is funny and cute.

-My parents are the new you married/family group leaders at our church and I'm so excited about it!!

-There's something about cold weather that makes me eat lots of carbs. I'm workin on that.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

it was so fun running into you guys! can't believe how big M is getting. and thanks for your sweet comments! the funny thing is that after i saw you i went home and told jeff that i needed to start showering and wearing make up when i go out in public because it never fails i see someone i know on the days i skip them, which is embarrassingly frequent. yikes.