Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Happenings

Whoah! Is Christmas over already?! We tried to get the most out of this wonderful season and I think it was a great 1st Christmas as a family of 3!

My Nonnie was very sick leading up to Christmas and our hearts were heavy with concern for her. It didn't feel right to post silly Christmas stuff while she was struggling so. We prayed and prayed and prayed for her! We got the best early Christmas gift ton Christmas Eve when we found out that she is doing a lot better and gets to go HOME to recover!!! Praise the LORD!!

Over the weekend we tried a new family tradition...Chuy's and the Trail of Lights. It was fun, but oh-so-exhausting!! I don't think it's an annual tradition after all. Maybe every 5 years? :) M loved the Tex-Mex and I think the "shuttles" to Zilker park may have been a highlight for him. It was his 1st time on a School Bus and 1st time ever to be in a moving vehicle unrestrained. Wild! He loved the lights as well and did very well with all the waiting. The Ergo was a LIFE SAVER!! Thanks, Kristen for lending it to us!

On Christmas Eve we got donuts and juice and took them to Daddy's work before heading to brunch at Cousin Sophia's. Makafui always enjoys a visit to Daddy's work...and playing with other kids' toys.

In the evening we went to church (which was pretty much Makafui and I walking the things have changed!) and then enjoyed our annual get together at Justin and Kim's! I forgot to take pictures. :(

Christmas morning was so fun. I was lame at taking pics, but we had a blast! Uncle Jon came over with Starbuck's and we opened our gifts before heading over to Gigi and Pops for Christmas devotion, breakfast and more gifts!

Uncle Jon's version of the Christmas story involves a giant baby crashy through Bethlehem.

All in all, this was a wonderful Christmas. I wish I would've taken more pictures, but I was busy just enjoying the moments. Hope y'all had a fab Christmas as well!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

sounds like the perfect 1st christmas! so glad to here your grandmother is doing better. merry christmas to you guys!