Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Good, the Bad and the UUUUGLY!!

The good:

Today is our Anniversary! I am so blessed to be married to such an amazing man, and even more blessed that we get to be married in the same country! :)

I think we can officially say that Makafui is a sleeper (I hope I don't jinx it). For a little more than a week now, he sleeps from night 'til morning without needing me to help him get back to sleep!!! Yay! He averages about 10 hour stretches...that is something I never thought I would say. Go, baby, go!!!

The bad:

Makafui has been sick with some sort of nasty allergies or a cold combined with teething. Last week was rouuuuuuugh!

I washed our bedspread on Monday (which I have done before with no problems) and the washing machine ate and burned it!! Boo!

The ugly:

Makafui has seemed "better" (no fever, congestion and runny nose are nearly gone) for a few days, but has been, how shall we say? A monster. He is cranky to the max! On Sunday I wouldn't put him in the church nursery, just in case he was till sick so we hung out in the cry room. A total meltdown ensued and basically the whole congregation heard it while it took me a little while to pick up our toys and get out of there. Then, we had a special lunch after church that I had leave because he was just not going to handle it. Things have NOT gotten better over the last 3 days. Praying his molars come through or something that will get us over this hump.

Despite the bad and the ugly, I'm still lovin' being this little boy's full time Mama and am so blessed by him. I am growing a lot through these hard days! We do get little bursts of sweetness during the nasty-I'm loving that! :)

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