Monday, January 7, 2013

11 Months!!

(Blogger isn't letting me load pics, I'm working on it but still want to mark this day.)

My oh my, how time flies!!

I can hardly believe Makafui is 11 months today! He will be a full year in just a few more weeks! Mostly, I'm loving watching him grow and change and am excited for the year ahead and all the fun and exciting things we can do. I miss the early days a little bit and get sad sometimes about how fast he's growing up. When that happens, I plan his Birthday party. :)

At 11 months...

Makafui continues to be an adorable tornado! Watch out! He is busy, busy and into everything!

He slept completely through the night once so far and technically-meaning 5 hours or more-sleeps through the night consistently.

He is night weaned!!!

This kid pulls up on everything and cruises from furniture to furniture. I think he'll be walking by his Birthday.

He is getting very talkative! He regularly says: Mama, Daddy, hi, bye-bye, nigh-night, dog (dah!), nursin' (nuh-nuh...a lot like nigh-night:), an interesting rendition of thank you and moo, neigh, woof and bock-bock! He also mimicks much of what we say, but doesn't really know the word. We're still workin on saying Gigi! :)

He loves animals and animal sounds! We could do animal sounds all day long!

Boy has rhythm. When he hears music or catches a glimpse of dancing on TV, he starts to dance. I love it!

He claps for himself...a lot. He knows he's a big deal.

He is still very social and his cuteness may be going to his head. His wave is less wave now and more of a raised gesture to his adoring crowd.

Makafui's appetite has exploded! He will just eat and eat! I need to change how I shop because I keep running out of food for him. :) Pizza, green beans, string cheese and grapes are favorites-he could eat ridiculous amounts of those foods all day long.

He tries to put his own socks on. He hasn't mastered this skill by any means (meaning, he picks up a sock and just rubs it on his foot), but it's a cute attempt nonetheless.

When I press the bluetooth call button in the car and the lady says, "After the beep, please say the name you would like to call." Makafui starts yelling, "Da da da da da!!" I love it! He knows when I'm talking to Daddy and tries to ad to the convo.

This boy is so much fun and such a joy! We are one blessed little family. :)

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