Tuesday, December 18, 2012

An Open Letter to my Son

Dear Makafui,

I love you more than you may ever know. Everyday I thank God that He put you in my life. I also beg God to give me the wisdom and strength I need to be a great Mama to you!

You are sweet and snuggly and love for me to hold you. I pray that you will keep that sweet tenderness as you grow-that you'll never be too grown up for hugs and kisses and that you will want to keep being with your Mama. I pray that the tenderness you have will increase and you will have compassion and love not just for your family members, but for others around you.

You are very strong willed and can be extremely stubborn. I pray that the Lord will turn that into righteous tenacity and that you will learn to choose your battles wisely.

You are very wakeful and fight sleep. You might be this way your entire life. I pray that your nights are full of peace, whether sleeping or awake. I pray that as you grow you will find and love rest, that if you stay wakeful you will take that time to pray and reflect on who our great God is...quietly, I hope!

You are very frustrated lately. You bite to communicate that frustration. I pray that God will help me understand what you need and want and that I can ease those frustrations. I pray that your frustration will push you to learn and grow, now and throughout your life. I pray that you will be a good communicator.

You destroy everything!! We call you a tornado or hurricane because you tear through just about everything wanting to discover and learn and climb. I pray that you keep that desire to discover and that I can help you tone it down a little without "breaking" you of that adventurous spirit.

You are strong! Your Daddy and I worry sometimes that you will get dropped or fall because you are so strong and catch us off guard. I pray that you will not just have physical strength, but that you will be spiritually strong as well. I pray that the strength you have in both of those areas will not be used to hurt others, accidentally or otherwise.

You are a sinful tiny human. I see everyday the sin nature we all have coming out in you. I pray you will trust in Jesus at a young age, that you will run to Him for salvation!

You exhaust me. I pray that God multiplies my rest and gives me extra strength each day.

You stump me. Sometimes, I just don't know what to do with you or certain behaviors. I pray that God will give me GREAT wisdom and grace as I parent you. I pray that the Lord will equip me to be patient, to understand what your behaviors are and to teach and discipline in love.

You elate me. You are such a sweet, sweet joy in my life. I pray that I do not let the joy you bring to me, the sense of purpose I have caring for you or the urgency of your needs to become an idol.

I love you so much my exhausting, wakeful, snuggly tornado! Being your Mama is the best!!


1 comment:

Mama B said...

How very precious, my girl. What a great and thoughtful Mama you are. Praying with you at every point.