Friday, December 7, 2012

10 Months!!

We have entered the double digit months...for serious? I feel like I'm doing my best to slow down, breathe in Makafui and enjoy these moments, but it's still passing so quickly!

We are having a blast during this fun discovery stage, but it is not without it's own challenges. :)

Makafui is growing like a weed! At his Dr. appt last week he was 19 1/2lbs!! He is a very strong nearly 20 pounder at that!

His personality is absolutely gigantic!! I love how he blinks at people to quietly (and ridiculously cutely) get their attention. He also throws his hands on top of his head and drags them down his face when he is tired, when I'm not getting his food fast enough, when he's being silly or for any other unknown reason!

He has taken to rubbing his head whenever he gets hurt-whether he actually bumped his head or not.

He bites! This is a recent development. He bites because his teeth are coming in and bothering him. He also bites to discover things, to get my attention and when he is annoyed or mad. Boo. When I catch him right before he bites me, I hold his face and say, "No, no! Don't bite!" then he laughs! Hmmmm, not what I was going for.

Sleeping without a crib is still going great! I don't know what the recipe is, but this week we had a night with a 7 hour stretch, one with a 6 1/2 hour stretch and one with a 5 hour stretch. I'm a little stumped but I'll take what I can get!

He loves music and sounds! No matter what he is playing with, he'll find another toy or something to bang it on and make a new sound. I love watching him discover in that way. He loves his Mega Blocks because of the sounds they make, not for [watching Mom and Dad] building or knocking things down.

He is still very social and quite the charmer! Extreme attachment and social anxiety seem only to come out when he isn't feeling well or needs a nap. I think I'm the same.

He is getting soo many teeth! He has 7 or 8 that I can see and several big molar lumps. Poor baby.

He is crawling pretty fast now and can pull up to standing on pretty much anything. He's taken a few daring lunges from one piece of furniture to another. I'm afraid he'll be "cruising" before we know it!

We are just having a blast with him! I love Makafui so much and I still can't get over how completely adorable he is!!

I've maxed out my pictures and I'm trying to figure out how to buy more memory or something. I'll add pics to this post later.

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