Saturday, September 15, 2012

What a Year Can Bring

On this day last year, this is what we knew of our sweet little Cocoapuff...

I remember on that day how excited and nervous we were. I remember we didn't know how we would pay for the anatomy scan, but we didn't postpone it. God showed up for us and we were able to pay for that scan, on that day, cash. Then we learned our Cocoapuff was Makafui!

Here we are a year later. I never could have guessed that the baby in those fuzzy black and white pictures would be this AWESOME KID! I had no idea that he would be so full of love and personality and joy at such a young age. I had no idea what he would teach me about God, life, my husband and myself.

This day last year was a big day. We were half way through the pregnancy, our baby was now our son and we were living on a prayer...quite literally.

God showed up for us! Over and over and over again this past year, God showed up! It is so good to pause and take that in. We are so blessed and so thankful!

Who knows what the next year will hold?


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