Thursday, September 27, 2012

Counting Down...

Our HALF MARATHON is on Saturday!! Today is our last "training" before the big day! Tomorrow we get our race packets! We recently got an e-mail with more details about the event, here is my favorite paragraph of that e-mail:

Potential Hazards: We have done everything possible to minimize risks, but this is a trail-race event. As such, all races including the 5k will have significant technical challenges and potential hazards. Some of the potential hazards include but are not limited to: loose rock, difficult hills, cliffs, exposed roots, cactus, poisonous snakes, and exposure to the elements. There will also be other potential users on the trail including, mountain bikers, hikers, and bow hunters accessing the hunting area. We will have EMS on standby at Russell park, and first aid trained personnel at aid stations throughout the course, but it is still crucial for all runners to be aware of possible dangers and to exercise caution and good judgement at all times.

Bow hunters and poisonous snakes?! Oh, okay, no big. I'm cracking up....Mom may or may not be a weeee bit nervous. Did I mention it may rain on Saturday as well? This is going to be quite the event! I'm excited. I'm also remembering that what doesn't kill you makes a really great story. Here goes...


Mama B said...

A weeeeee bit?! If you weren't doing this with me and I had not already told people about it I might just jump ship altogether! I foresee a great story for sure.

Kristen said...

good luck tomorrow! i'm sure you guys will have a blast.