Friday, August 10, 2012

Life of the Party!

Yesterday, was a full day for little M and he pretty much ate it up! First, the blog-world and old friends collided in a long overdue play date! Kristen, Annie and Meg treked out to meet us at GiGi and Pops' pool. (I stole pics from Kristen because she is great at taking pictures and I am not.)

Why yes, I am wearing my husbands "singlet" as I suddenly realized my swimsuit top is really not mom-proof.

Ugh. I hate that this is blurry, but it's so sweet, so I'm posting it anyway!

LOVE how Annie is looking at him!
The girls (especially Annie) adored Makafui and he adored them right back! He kept holding their faces and giving kisses. So. Freaking. Precious. I can't believe it's taken this long to get together! We need to do this more often!

In the evening we went to a bridal shower and I'm pretty sure Makafui thought it was a party for him! He was talking and talking and singing songs and dripping drool and flashing his smile all over the place! He seriously worked the crowd and it totally cracked me up. He is quite the ladies man! I shouldn't be surprised because I think he comes from a long line of ladies men. ;) (You know who you are!)


Kristen said...

oh i LOVE those pictures you got. he really is the happiest, friendliest, kisssing-est little guy. meg asked to "go see baby" this morning.
we must do it again SOON! i keep remembering things i wanted to ask you about, but i forgot, like your half marathon. and i saw our ergo carrier in the closet yesterday and it is yours if you want to try it out.

Sister Beta said...

Yes, yes!! We need to do it again soon. And I'd love to give the Ergo a try. We'll be in touch!