Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Half a YEAR!!

Precious little M is 6 months old today!!

(I had more 6 month Teddy pics, but Blogger isn't cooperating!)
As he gets bigger,so does his personality! He is one HAPPY baby!

He is very, very social-he loves to watch other babies, but especially loves big kids, big girls to be specific. ;)

He likes books...a lot. We've had to take Goodnight Moon out of his bedtime routine because he gets so hyped up!

He is quite the little chatter box. He gets very excited when he learns a new sound and practices it over and over again with the sweetest little proud and excited look on his face. Once he's mastered the new sound, he practices it LOUDLY!! This boy sure can make some noise!! Of late, he makes the ba, da, puh and HUH sounds.

He is a champ at eating solids and trying new things, though he still prefers the smooth, runny texture of "first foods" and cereal. He also knows that green foods aren't as sweet as the other colors. When he sees green coming at him, he white knuckles the highchair tray, scrunches up his face and sllloooowwwwly opens his mouth-before he's even tasted it! He's a tad dramatic.

He is really good at sitting up now, he goes pretty long stretches without tumbling over. When he does tumble over though, he thinks it pretty funny.

He is always flapping his arms and kicking his legs like he's just ready to get up and go, but he doesn't seem to be too interested in crawling.

He's getting pretty good at drinking out of a cup. We have decided to skip the sippy cup thing and use regular cups, I have plastic for M, but he prefers glass. He's sophisticated like that.

This is one AFFECTIONATE little boy! He is a champion snuggler, gives big, sloppy kisses and attack hugs. It's the best!

We are working on getting to sleep without nursing. He's doing better than I expected, but is up a little more now. Baby steps, baby steps.
Daddy's napping, but M just won't take the hint! :)

I think one of the sweetest things M does lately is sing songs. He'll chatter away in his deep-for-a-baby voice, then start this sing-song thing in really high tones. I wish I could catch it on camera!

I almost forgot until he reminded me that I wasn't paying enough attention to him. Makafui now fake coughs. Too. Funny! He's pretty good at it too.

His hair is getting a lot more curly and I think his skin has gotten a little darker. It's fun to watch these changes.

Little Dude, We love you, love you, love you!!!!!


Kristen said...

6 months! i can't believe it!
and maybe he could give annie a few pointers on drinking out of a regular cup. she still claims she can't do it.

Mama B said...

Gigi loves you, loves you, loves you, too!!!!