Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dear Uncle Jon,

I've been thinking...when did I last see you?!

I was telling my bear just the other day, "You know,'s been a long time since I've seen my Uncle Jon. Can you believe it?"

We had a few laughs about, but you know, it's a serious thing.

You won't believe all the cool tricks I can do now!

Let me be honest as well. I'm having a little bit of an identity crisis. I think I'm waaay older than 6 months-like way older. I just want to stay up late and party all night, then sleep in for a long time. I dig this life, but I'm not sure how Mommy feels about it. Maybe you can help me out a bit. You know, from one INFJ to another.

 Please come visit me, Uncle Jon! And bring your friend, you know the one. ;)



Anonymous said...

Ha ha - Hi, M. I had planned on visiting at Thanksgiving but that may be too far down the road. Let me see what I can do... :)

Mama B said...

Bahahahahahah!!!! I love it and I totally agree! Jon should get himself and his friend here wayyyyy before Thanksgiving. Good grief, M will be walking, talking, and maybe even driving a car and dating by then!

Kristen said...

so cute! how could you say no to that face?