Friday, August 24, 2012


I can't believe it's Friday already and I haven't blogged all week. I've had plenty to say, but I've been too busy to stop and write it down.

We've had a great week! We had several mild temperature days so M and I got to spend some wonderful time outside. It made me so excited for Fall and all the great things it will hold!!

M has a new friend, his name is Buddy.
Of course, he was playing with him in the cutest way and I got out the camera and his new mission was to grab the camera.

Oh well, that's cute too. The lady in the church nursery went on and on about how sweet and cute and wonderful Makafui's DOLLY was.'s not a DOLLY! Makafui is a BOY and so is Buddy. This is a plush action figure, thank you very much!

Lately, M has been enjoying baths in his super cool (green!) big boy tub. It's too bad he doesn't have many bath toys...
We LOOOVE baths around here!
Makafui has been getting prepared for Grandparent's Day in September. GiGi and Pops are a pretty big deal, so he wants to make sure that their first G'parent's day is special. He went to a lot of trouble making this sign and taking pictures to invite them over.

Ohmygoodness, this kid is cute!
Aaaaand, for the drama of the day, we had a little incident and I learned something major about myself. I was calmly putting Makafui down for a nap, looked up and saw a MASSSSSSSIVE roach on the door frame of his closet!! I totally froze. Then I almost had a heart attack. Then I snuck out of the room and called my mom (because it made sense at the time). Then I continued to almost have a heart attack, hide from said nasty bug, try not to throw up and called maintenance. Thankfully, they didn't laugh, but sent someone right over. The guy came in with a towel and grabbed it up. He was nice and validated my feelings by commenting on how bizarre and HUGE the thing was. My feelings about chemicals in our home have gone out the window...exterminate this place!! I learned that I have extreme anxiety about this stupid bug and it kind of shocked me. I seriously cannot think of anything worse. It took me a while to collect myself before we could try the whole nap thing again. Please God! No more roaches!! :( :(

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