Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Working Out

You know how a new workout can be so hard and so challenging and you just wanna quit...or die before it's over? Maybe that's just me. Anyway, once you do that workout more and more, it's not so challenging anymore and it even becomes enjoyable...and then, your jeans fit!

I've been doing this is my spiritual life a lot lately. Pushing through challenges, working my spiritual a$$ off. To my delight, some areas are getting easier. Like physical workouts though, you can't just do it, get a hot bod (since obviously, that's the only reason for working out:) and then stop and have everything stay the same. If you quit working out, you get flabby again, put on some pounds and ultimately, your health is negatively affected. It's an ongoing process, one that ebbs and flows as far as difficulty. It takes commitment and purpose, but it's so worth it. I guess the spiritual equivalent to your jeans fitting is something along the lines of a wonderful life regardless of your circumstances.

I was thinking about this when I heard a comment from someone in regards to provision. This person commented how they take stock of the things in their life and continually calculate what it would cost to fix or replace them. They run a tally, worried that the savings account doesn't have the total. I was sad for this person, becuase God is so much bigger than that and why waste your life worrying about things and fretting when our great God has you covered? However, it got me to thinking why I don't feel that way. Is it because I don't have the luxury to do so or do I just have more faith? I'm not always sure.

Our faith walk is quite the workout some days, but I am thankful for it.


Anonymous said...

I like this one Bop. Don't forget to give M his leg workout - that got a smile everytime. Good to see you three.

Mama B said...

Keep working those spiritual muscles, sweet girl. I am inspired.