Thursday, May 24, 2012


Living in an apartment complex gives you a lot of neighbors in a small space. It can be cool, or weird, it just depends on what you get. In our last apartment, we knew all of the neighbors on our side of the building. We knew most of their names, what they did for a living and what cars they drove. It was nice, even though the old guy next door who cut his finger off always gave us off the wall career advice...sometimes we would hide from him.

Anyway, in our new apartment, it hasn't really worked that way. Partially because the buildings are set up differently (it was a courtyard style at our last place, so all the doors faced one another, rather than hallways), partially because we are now busy with a baby and our schedules are very different, and partially because we have weird neighbors. We only know 2 neighbors!

One is a sweet older lady who lives above us. She does laundry a LOT, vacuums everyday and showers and bathes twice a day. She told me she's like Monica from Friends, a neat freak. That made me laugh. She loves Makafui and encourages me about my mommying.

The other neighbor is a little more interesting. He lives next door. He's about 50 and lives with his cousin who is probably a little younger. He drives 2 Jaguars, an H2, an Armada, a truck, and a motorcycle or 2. He is also seen quite often with some other fancy car. He doesn't have a job, likes to leave his door propped open most of the time (and it smells like he cooks Jambalaya every other day) and he laughs really loud. He drinks Monster energy drinks and brings around women who look like an aged Baby Phat advertisement. He is chatty and very, very nice, but a curious fellow. And, he may be coming to my parents' Birthday lunch on Saturday.

What? You read that right. SOMEONE was talking to him in the parking lot and Birthdays came up, to which neighbor guy says, "Oh, I love Birthdays." [Who says that?] So then SOMEONE said, "Oh, me too! We are having a Birthday celebration for my in-laws on Saturday, you should come." Soooooo, the family Birthday lunch might get reeeeal entertaining! We shall see...neighbors, they're a funny thing.


Kristen said...

haha! that was so sweet of george! let us know how it goes.

Sue Anne McKinney said...

Tell George I understand. I could see myself doing that...but then thinking later...WHAT was I thinkin'?