Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

This is my first Mother's Day as a Mommy. It's cool, but not that huge of a deal for me, because Makafui is still so young-he doesn't have a clue that it's a special day.

What's a bigger deal to me this year is that this is my first year to celebrate my Mom, being a Mom myself. I've been doing this Mommy thing for a whopping 3 months, but my appreciation and understanding of what my Mom did and does for us has grown IMMENSELY. I love her more each day and am starting to grasp the sacrifice that the last 31 years has been for her. So this Mother's Day, I am really, really thankful for my so, so many ways!

This is for her, but other people should read it too because she is just that awesome.

For all the nights you didn't sleep at. all. Thank you.

For the times in those sleepless nights that you kind of wanted to give up nursing because a bottle of formula would mean a little more sleep, but you didn't. Thank you.

For all the nights you hardly slept and had to get up early with another 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 kids(!!!), AND didn't act like a zombie or a martyr. Thank you.

For all the insane diapers you changed. Thank you.

For the countless diapers you WASHED. Thank you.

For every. single. interrupted me-time. I'm sorry. Thank you.

For every disastrous evening that you tried to make a delicious dinner, do laundry, take care of a
crying baby and be a rockin' wife all at once, but it just didn't quite work. Thank you.

For every time you wondered if you were doing it right and no one told you that you were, so you just kept on going. Thank you.

For getting a dog so that you didn't raise a woman who was afraid of a house pet. Thank you.

For cleaning up after the dog(s) all those times. Thank you.

For enjoying the moment, really enjoying the moment. Thank you.

For snuggles and zerberts. Thank you.

For not being the frumpy or sloppy Mom. Thank you.

For park days that you ran and played with us, not just sat on a bench and watched. Thank you.

For enduring the nasty losing teeth phase SIX TIMES! Thank you.

For Bible studies at the bagel place. Thank you.

For the time you took me on a date for the whole day because ALL of my friends got invited to a sleep-over, except for me. Thank you.

For never making me feel like less of a person or defined by my weight-especially when I was fat. Thank you.

For the years that school drop-off took 2 hours and school pick-up took 2 hours. Wow, that was a lot of time in the car. Thank you.

For all the times you took us to (endured?) Chuck-E-Cheese's. Thank you...I think. ;)

For all of the times you felt unappreciated, disrespected and abused, but didn't give up or give in. I'm sorry. Thank you.
For ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS being our biggest cheerleader. Thank you.

For all those amazing summers that we lived at the pool with good snacks and fun toys. Thank you.
For teaching us how to learn and love learning. Thank you.

For being creative and allowing and encouraging our creativity. Thank you.

For allowing us to be mad at God and work through spiritual issues without giving us Sunday School answers or telling us that we should or shouldn't feel certain ways. Thank you.

For letting us spread our wings, even if it hurt you. Thank you.

For not being a "stuff" Mom. Thank you.

For never letting us feel like a bother, when I'm sure there were times we were bothering you. Thank you.

For leading by example. Thank you.

For the countless times you prayed with us and for us. Thank you.

For being generous in every sense of the word. Thank you.

For loving Dad so much and so well. Thank you.

For teaching me how to cook in a way that a book never could. Thank you.

For making Sundays a special family day. Thank you.

For filling our home with laughter! You crack me up. Thank you.

For letting me live with you for so long so I could save money and see the world. Thank you.

For taking me to Paris and having a wonderful adventure together. Thank you.

For believing me and being on my side 100% when I told you about a boy in Africa. Thank you.

For suffering with me through immigration. Thank you.

For all the shopping trips, coffee dates and hang-times we have had while waiting for something in life. Thank you.

For allowing me to and helping me find my own path, even when people were very critical of my choices and your parenting for doing so. Thank you.

For helping me move and set up my apartment...3 times! You are the best moving buddy I know! Thank you.

For listening to me, always. Thank you.

For being the only the person on the planet that I trust enough to smell their fingers. Thank you.

For getting it, when no one else does. Thank you.

For helping me through that insane labor, I didn't think I would need you, but I sure did! Thank you.

For not telling me to stop whining when I text you about my baby who may or may not be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Thank you.

For telling me I'm a good Mama. Thank you.

For being an awesome Gigi. Thank you.

For being my best friend. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Kristen said...

this is so sweet and beautiful! I want to be that kind of mom! Happy Mother's Day to you both.

Mama B said...

My best Mother's Day ever! Thanks so much, sweet girl.