Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Makafui has been napping in his crib (gasp!) and actually sleeping (double gasp!). I didn't think George would believe it without proof. :)

Last night was a dream come true or a miracle or a fluke or maybe, just maybe a turning point (I hesitate to write about it, because I know Makafui is sneaking around and reading the blog so he can keep me on my toes). A series of events made bedtime later on purpose, instead of the typical up and down thing and he went to sleep around 9:45. Then, he didn't wake up 'til 12:45!! I couldn't believe it! I have been praying and praying for a 3 hour stretch! I fed him and put him back down at 1:00, but he wasn't asleep, which made me a little nervous. Then, my super baby did exactly what I've been wanting him to be able to do-he talked and cooed for a bit and then fell asleep on his own!! He woke up again at 4:30 (!!!!) went right back down after I fed him, was up at 6:30 for another feeding and then up at 8:30 for the day. Amazing, amazing night! It's gonna be a grrrreat day! I know this probably bores most of my readers, but it's huge to me and I may need to look back and remember this one day if Makafui isn't an only child after all. ;) 

In other less boring developments, M may or may not be learning how to use an iPhone...I am freaked out about that.

We are also confusing him as to whether the orange animal on his play mat with a big bushy tail and acorn in his hand is a squirrel or a rabbit. Poor kid.

He's getting pretty good at spit bubbles...and really all things spit related. How cute is that baby v-neck?!


Anonymous said...

He is too cute. Glad you got some 'rest'? - thanks for listening last night and keeping an open mind. Stranger things have happened.

Kristen said...

yay from mr. m! keep it up buddy!