Monday, May 14, 2012

Lovin' life and hypin' myself up!

I love my little family!!

Yesterday was a fabulous first Mother's Day! I had a lot of fun with my little family and spending time with some of my big family. George, my Dad and two of my brothers made our wonderful Mother's Day meal! It was yummy and fun to watch them cook. :) I also ate dessert twice. It was such a sweet and relaxing day. We tried to take some good first Mom's Day pics, but Makafui wasn't exactly cooperating...oh well.

The weekends are a little tough for M because we try to do a lot and he ends up getting off his normal routine. That, plus forgetting his evening dose of meds probably contributed to our rough night. So today I dusted off my teacher hat, got out my markers and made myself inspirational signs leading into his room (I'm a dork, I know).

I've decided that even if the night is rough, I need not to look at it quite that way. Instead, I need to see it as a normal night with a baby...regardless of what "other babies his age" are doing. When it's the middle of the night though, it can be hard to find the big girl panties and remember these things! ;) So here is what I'm reminding myself...

-Night waking in babies is temporary!
-Sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone, it varies from baby to baby.
-When babies wake at night, they need something!-food or Mama, both are perfectly fine reasons to wake.
-My baby trusts me, my baby wants me. I'm not willing to trade that for a few hours of sleep.
-My sweet little Makafui won't be a baby forever. Cherish this!

If you can't tell, I've been pondering the relative merits of "sleep training" and how many methods see waking as a problem or inconvenience, something you must break your child of, rather than normal. I've been holding that up to my faith in Christ and am questioning a lot of the perspectives and attitudes toward children that this sleep training stuff preaches. It's just sleep...I'm still searching, thinking, PRRRRAYING. We'll see what happens, for now, I have signs to hype myself up!


Kristen said...

haha, i love the signs. sleep deprivation is a B****! i felt like it changed my personality and made me regress to being twelve years old emotionally.
i read all the books and tried EVERYTHING and sometimes things would work for a little while and then they'd get sick or we'd travel and i would feel like we'd be back at square one again.
i had to unfriend people on facebook that kept doing post about their kids sleeping 14 hours a night at 6 weeks old.
anyways, all that to say, i hope it gets better for you very very soon!
(and now we put annie in her room and don't hear from her again for 12 hours, so hold on to the hope that it won't last forever, even if it kind of feels like it.)

Sister Beta said...

Thanks, Kristen. I think of you a LOT while going through this and love seeing that you got through, have great kids and dared to have more than one! :) I guess you get a great sleeper or you don't. This too shall pass.